Silo Artwork Short Tour

Silo Art
Silo Art | Kids
Silo Art | Australia
Silo Art | Woman
Silo Art | Man
Silo Art | Old Man

Day 1.
Depart Adelaide or arranged departure point at 8.30am, to make our lunch time destination of Lameroo. We then head to Patchewolloch to view the first of the silo art locations, and then on to Lascelles the second of silo art locations, as well as our nights’ accommodation.
Day 2.
Depart Lascelles and make our way to Roseberry, to inspect the progress of the silo art at that location, then travelling to Brim, the third completed silo art location, then Sheep Hills, the fourth art location and Rupunyip, the fifth location, before travelling to Nhill our chosen destination of our nights accommodation via Horsham and Dimboola.
Day 3.
Depart Nhill and travel along western highway via Bordertown and Keith to Coonalpyn the last of our silo art locations for this tour. From here unfortunately we will be making our way back to our starting point of Adelaide, or chosen departure point.

This is a shared basic accommodation tour, with nights at Lascelles and Nhill. Accommodation upgrades can be made if available, for an additional cost to the individual.

Departing weekly

3 days. 2 nights.
$595 per person.
Minimum 5 people.
So get in touch with your friends or buy a seat as a gift for one of them.
All meals and accommodation upgrades are not included in this price.
Shared budget accommodation tour with all meals and entrance fees to be in addition to travel cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many people come on tour?

OZTRAX supports small groups of 4 to 5 people. If you’re on your own, we’ll happily match you with other adventurers. You’ll fit right in, forge new friendships and have the time of your life.

What gear do I need? What’s provided by OZTRAX?

Get ready to travel light – the essentials are sorted. All you need is a 50L duffel bag for your personal items. Clothes, undies, toiletries – that kind of thing. Plus, a sleeping bag and pillow – necessary for any good starry-night sleepover.

The rest? We’ve got you covered. OZTRAX provide tents, stretchers, safety equipment, food, water, great convo and commentary.

What about photography expeditions?

Let OZTRAX treat you to the most photogenic (and least photographed) places Australia has to offer. Wildlife, birdlife, native flora, desert panoramas, rock formations, Indigenous art and abandoned towns – your lenses will weep (happy tears).

Our specialty is helping photographers capture unforgettable aussie imagery, pictures that will have everyone asking ‘where were you when you took this incredible shot?’ With OZTRAX, of course.

What’s the next step?

Excited to plan the Aussie adventure of a lifetime? Get in touch. We’ll fill you in on upcoming trips, tailored expeditions, your specific requirements and dream itinerary. Give us a call on 0419 850 759. Can’t wait to explore with you.

By ‘take you anywhere’, do you really mean...anywhere?

Helping you sidestep the norm and discover truly special places is our passion. While we can’t perch you atop the highest Bungle Bungle, OZTRAX can take you most other places.

We combine our geographic knowledge with your requests, fusing practicality with the spirit of adventure.

OZTRAX vehicles are specially designed to handle rough and rugged terrain, kitted-out with the latest nav gear and satellite support.

In short, we can take you anywhere – almost.

How long is each trip?

Expeditions last up to 14 days – though shorter trips can be arranged. Let us know your timeframe.

Who suits an OZTRAX adventure?

Anyone excited to see new places and say ‘wow!’, loudly. There’s no ‘type’ of person OZTRAX caters to – it’s an open invitation for positive people keen to try something new and unique.

How will I feel after an OZTRAX adventure?

Revitalised. Renewed. Refreshed. Inspired.


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0419 850 759


28 Ashbourne Road 
Strathalbyn, South Australia 5255


14 + 15 =

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