Oztrax Australia Wide

Small group 4WD adventures into the REAL heart of Australia

OZTRAX takes you where regular tour groups don’t. Into the real Aussie wild – remarkable, hidden places in your own backyard. Where skies are vast, roads are rugged and tourists are scarce. Drop a pin on the map and OZTRAX will get you there, safely, in custom built 4WDs and fully-catered comfort. (Provided you love swags.)

4x4 Landcruser
Oztrax Australia Wide Map

Remote. Untouched. Unforgettable.
OZTRAX will take you there


Create Your Own Tour & We'll Take You

Past Uluru, Alice Springs and way out back into the heart of Australia – breathtaking and beating with life.

Discover awe-inspiring canyons, gorges, abandoned towns and ancient landscapes. Waterfalls you won’t see on Instagram. Rocks in vibrant red, orange and yellow – bright enough to make your eyes water. Unexpected desert wetlands, teeming with wildlife. Nature on steroids. (Better pack an extra three memory cards for your camera.)


Off The Beaten Track Throughout Australia

The best scenery is off the beaten track. Via roads that tour buses can’t take. Along the old Ghan line, deep into Rainbow Valley, beyond Horseshoe Bend.

Remote. Untouched. Unforgettable. OZTRAX will take you there.

The only question is, when do you want to go?

Photography Expeditions

Photography Expeditions

Let OZTRAX treat you to the most photogenic (and least photographed) places Australia has to offer. Wildlife, bird life, native flora, desert panoramas, rock formations, Indigenous art and abandoned towns – your lenses will weep (happy tears).

Our specialty is helping photographers capture unforgettable Aussie imagery, pictures that will have everyone asking ‘where were you when you took this incredible shot?’ With OZTRAX, of course.


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0419 850 759


28 Ashbourne Road 
Strathalbyn, South Australia 5255


12 + 7 =

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